RHOA Review - High Heels And Record Deals

Sooo did anyone catch the Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA) last night?? I live for those girls. The things they do you just can't write that shit.

Well let's start with Kim. First of all you can tell Kim is a bullshitter with that lamebus of an excuse she gave Kandi about the no show to her show. Now I'm not a mother but Kim leave those kids with the nanny any other time! Booo to you Kim.

Anywhoo I love NeNe and Lisa foundation. Anything that empower women I support all the way. Even though recent episodes NeNe has begun to believe her own hype she redeem her self this episode. Shoutout to NeNe and Lisa Broken Hearts Foundation. If you don't know what I'm talking about like NeNe says, "Look it up"! Lol I wish I was apart of the Heal The Soul marathon. Everyone seems to have a good time and it was done for a good cause. Thumbs up! I think Dwight look fierce in the catsuit and heels, but did Bravo did a close up on his balls or is it just me?? I also agree with NeNe it would be a gay man to win the marathon. No shade to the gays. Looove my gays!

I know I know I got ahead of myself. Lets go back. *sigh* Me by Sheree....smh. This chick made a promo video for her clothing line. One thing about Sheree, she is really dedicated to her, oops i mean her clothing line ;-). But even though I throw alot of shade at Sheree's way I like her this season and her, "I am everything and everything is me" campaign. I do agreem with Sheree somewhat about her having some input on her fashion. But Dwight does know his shit. So take note Sheree let the teacher school you boo :-)

Lisa and Ed are homecoming king and queen in my head. As a couple they can do no wrong. There is so much support for each other. When one is down the other is there to pick that one up. But question... I always see Ed practice but never see him play, what team did this nigga play on?? I hope they dreams come true and get a bun in the oven.

I can't end this post without mentioning Kandi. Are you crazy?? Kandi is the best and i wish her much success. She is a true talent and I am a fan. Can't wait for the album to drop and BLOG is a cute tittle.

On a serious note R.I.P. to Ashley "AJ" Jewels. Please keep his family and Kandi in your prayers.

Thanks for the love guys. I'm on twitter follow me twitter.com/LoveVsMoney27. Also if you have any gossip to share, photos, putting anyone on blast, shoutouts or you just wanna say hey e-mail me LpHarlem27@gmail.com. Gotta go guys, smoochies!


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